Used Isuzu Cars for Sale

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Isuzu is a Japanese manufacturer best known for commercial vehicles, 4x4s and pick-ups. 

Isuzu history begins in 1916, when Tokyo Ishikawajima Shipbuilding and Engineering Co joined with Tokyo Gas and Electric Industrial Company to build cars. In 1918, it began a cooperation with British firm Wolseley cars, allowing it to build and sell Wolseley vehicles. The first ever passenger car built in Japan was a Wolseley Fifteen A9 15/40 ??. Following the Kanto earthquake in 1923 there was demand for heavy constructions vehicles to help with rebuilding the country. In 1927 the company developed the Sumida P-type two-tonne along with the Sumida M-type bus.

1929 also saw IHI Corporation separate part of its manufacturing business and merge with DAT Automobile Manufacturing - a precursor of Nissan. It changed its name to Jidosha Kogyo Co Ltd. After the Second World War, the company was renamed Isuzu after the Isuzu River.

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